Aughrim Remembered
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A very important date in the calendar of the extended Ó Kelly family. Kelly history tells us 400 Kellys died in this battle.
New Pictures just in for Aughrim Remembered

Well the battle’s over, at least for another year. It was quite an ambitious programme for a
small committee to undertake, but they got there and did a magnificent job. My
congratulations to all directly involved.
A picture speaks louder than words, so I will let the
photos speak for themselves. They show the very
diverse aspects of “Aughrim Remembered”, from Irish
dancing and music,
The dancers from Cuil Na Meagan were fantastic.
(Left)L-R; Dr Hiram Morgan, Richard Doherty, Tommy Greham, Dr.Padraig Lenihan and Dr. Eamon Ó Ciardha. All took part in the History Ireland forum.
(Above) Soldiers bivouac set up in the park with a display of weapons and equipment.
During the course of the weekend the ‘troops’ performed drill movements which was very
We had great fun at the Poc Fada competition in the local GAA pitch. I hope the footballers
did not mind ‘loaning’ their turf for a short while.
Practice makes perfect, Julie.
(Below)Some of the local lads giving it a lash.
PJ Jennings who did a great job organising An Poc Fada.
A happy warrior.(Below)
The Interpretive Centre well guarded by Williamite and Jacobite troops prior to the Book
Kjeld Held Galster of Denmark launched his book “Danish troops in the Williamite army in Ireland,
1689-91” in the Interpretive Centre on Sat evening. The launch was very well attended and I am assured by
The Four Courts Press, very successful.
A great job was done by Julie Cruise (above) and the event was very well supported by the Kelly clan.
Ken Kelly (Below left) of Ballinasloe did MC at the opening on Friday evening.
Joe Kelly (Above Right) saying a few words in St Catherine Hall on Friday opening
L-R Standing with back to camera Tom Mernagh, unknown, then Mary Kelly just visible beside Michael
and Bernie Kelly with Tanaiste Joe A Kelly on extreme right. Joe travelled from Northampton to be with
us at Aughrim.
Local businessman Pat Finn (Below) enjoying the Hedge School discussion.
Was it enjoyable? These Gentlemen thought so.
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