Congratulations - Austalian Family Discover Irish Roots
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Australian Family Discover Irish Roots
Australian family discover their Irish roots after 300 years. Aidan Kelly of Western Australia, through his DNA research has discovered his Irish connections.
Aidan arrived in this
country on the same
historic day as
Elizabeth, the Queen
of Britain did. 17 th
May 2011. Since then
he has been followed
by two of his sisters,
Jill and Andrea.
Jill arrived in Sept
2011 with husband
Jim ( on left) and stayed overnight in Dublin
before setting off in the search for their
ancient home land in the West of Ireland.
On the way they called into Aughrim as you
can see from the photos.
(left) Jill beside the ‘Soldiers Tree’ which I’m
pleased to say two years later is thriving.
Jill with Aughrim (Right) Kelly castle in the background.
We must have done something right
because last month Aidan’s other sister
Andrea arrived for a few days with hubby
Steve on toe.
Steve and Andrea enjoying a ‘pint’ in Davy Byrnes Morel Pub. Castles and pubs are popular with the Kelly’s.
Andrea standing at the ruin of Wm Bui Ó
Ceallaigh castle on the shore of the Shannon.
They were a pleasure to meet and I am
looking forward to meeting again with Aidan
in a few week time.
April 2013.